March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies

Volume 7           Issue 1           January – March 2024           Pages 10-16


*Natchatrakani, D., & **Devi, P.

*Research scholar (Reg.No:23211041012002), Department of Commerce, C.S.I Jayarajannapackiam College, Nallur, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.

**Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, C.S.I Jayarajannapackiam College, Nallur, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.



In this present study analyzed the physical stress encountered by higher secondary school teachers in Tenkasi district. Physical fitness is more important because it will can be lead to complete their work with enthusiast and efficiency, if it is not so the work will be not successful manner hence it will be considerable one. So the researcher adopts this paper and discovered coping mechanisms of physical stress among higher secondary school teachers.

Keywords: education, higher secondary teachers, stress, physical stress, coping strategies.


As Richard Carlson says that, “Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness”. Stress has been defined in different ways over the years. It was conceived of as pressure from the environment, then as strain within the person. Teachers are important contributors to society. Without teachers, the country cannot progress well. They pass on knowledge, foster critical thinking skills, inspire students and parents, serve as role models, and play a role in the holistic development of children.

Review of Literature

Kavitha (2012) contacted a study on “Role of stress among women employees forming majority workforce at IT sector in Chennai and Coimbatore”. She has focuses on the organizational role stress for the employees in the IT sector. She found in her research that, women face more stress than men in the organization and she viewed to be more specific married women faces more stress than the unmarried women.

Swaminathan, P. S., & Rajkumar, S. (2013) examined their work on “Stress levels in Organizations and their Impact on Employees’ Behaviour”. They have conducted a study that focused on the levels of stress among the age group, profession, different varieties of jobs, hours of work and the influence of work environment on the degree of stress faced by employees. Stress in an employees’ individual in nature. This study indicates that, an optimum level in which every individual can perform with his full capacity and identified three conditions responsible for work stress they are 1) Role overload 2) Role self distance 3) Role stagnation.

Satija, S., & Khan, W. (2013) a research work titled “Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Occupational Stress among Working Professionals”. According to them Occupational Stress is as same as Job Stress that needs to be controlled at the workplace otherwise it will negatively affect on employee’s work attitudes & behavior. This study investigates that, the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Occupational Stress. This study revealed findings that, Emotional Intelligence is a most significant predictor of Occupational Stress.

Amir Shani and Abraham Pizam (2009) contacted a study on “Work-Related Depression among Hotel Employees in Central Florida”. They have found that, incidence of depression among workers in the hospitality industry by evaluating the relationship between the occupational stress and work characteristics.

Viljoen and Rothmann (2009) have investigated “the relationship between occupational stress, ill health and organizational commitment”. They found that organizational stressors contributed significantly to ill health and low organizational commitment. Stress about job security contributed to both physical and psychological ill health. Low individual commitment to the organization was predicted by five stressors, such as Work-life balance, Overload, Control, Job aspects and Pay.

Schmidt, Denise Rodrigues Costa; and et al, (2009) in their work on “Occupational stress among nursing staff in surgical settings”. They aimed at evaluating the presence of occupational stress among nursing professionals working in surgical settings and investigating the relations between occupational stress and work characteristics.

Li-fang Zhang (2009) conducted a study titled “Occupational stress and teaching approaches among Chinese academics”. Researcher suggested that, controlling the self-rating abilities of the participants, the Favorable conceptual changes in teaching approach and their role insufficiency predicated that the conceptual change in teaching strategy is negative.

Kayoko Urakawa and Kazuhito Yokoyam (2009) contacted a study on “Sense of Coherence (SOC) may reduce the Effects of Occupational Stress on Mental Health Status among Japanese Factory Workers”. They found the result i.e. adverse effects on mental health due to the job demand and job stress was positively associated with SOC, the mental health status of males in managerial work was adversely negative, where as it was positive among the female co-workers. Finally they found that, SOC is an important factor determining the coping ability over the job stress for both the genders.

Waqar M Parray (2016) has tried to assess the level of stress of the teachers working in Universities, Secondary Schools, Elementary Schools, and teachers working in different organizations. Researchers have suggested several ways to put check over the unjustified stress to promote sound health and well-being.

Objective of the study

  1. To know the demographic profile of the respondents
  2. To identify the physical stress faced by the higher secondary school teacher.
  3. To analysis coping strategies for prevent physical stress among higher secondary teacher.
  4. To provide suitable suggestion from finding of the study.


In this topic the data for the study have been collected from both primary data and secondary sources.  Primary data were collected with the help of structured questionnaire from adopting stratified random sampling technique, sample size is 350.Simple percentage and weighted average score tools are used to analysis the study

Limitation of the study

  • Time constraints have major limitation of the study
  • Some of the respondents are not ready to response.

Statement of the problem

Every human being has stress in their workplace. Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to like experience.  Every one expresses stress from time to time. Stress means different things to different people. These symptoms can affect our body, thoughts, feeling and our behavior.  Knowing common stress symptoms can help we manage them.  Stress that’s not dealt with can lead to many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. That why the researcher highlight to analysis this stress among higher secondary school teachers.

Data analysis and interpretation

Demographic profile of the respondent

A survey 350 higher secondary school teachers was undertaken to study their physical stress.  The demographic profile of the respondents is presented table 1

Table 1. Demographic profile of sample respondents

Sl.No.FactorsVariableNo. of respondentsPercentage
2Age25-35 years12234.86
36-45 years10730.57
46-55 years8925.43
Above 56 years329.14
3Marital StatusMarried24068.57
P.G with B.Ed14441.14
P.G with M.Ed10229.15
5Monthly IncomeBelow Rs.10,00010730.37
Above Rs.300014613.14
6Monthly ExpenditureBelow Rs.100006518.57
Above Rs.30001113.14

Source: Primary data

The major finding from table-1 were as follows

  • 14% of the respondents were female.
  • 86% of the respondents were in the age group between 25-35 years.
  • 57% of the respondents were married.
  • 14% of the respondents were P.G with B.Ed.
  • 36% of the respondent’s monthly income between Rs.10001-20000.
  • 43% of the respondent’s monthly expenditure between Rs.10001-20000

Table 2.Physical stress faced by higher secondary school teachers



FactorsNeverSometimeoftenalmostalwaysMean scoreRank
1Difficulty breathing756447865166.337
3Headaches &leg pain685891844970.85
4High blood pressure5249949758668
5Unusual changes in weight736992724473.664
7Dry mouth258394876164.939
8Ringing in the ears847369962875.932
9Sweaty hand & feet1084751027959.610
10Feel exhausted9568122521582.131

Sources: Primary data

The major problem faced by higher secondary school teachers was ‘Feel exhausted’, the next problem faced by them was ‘ringing in the ears’ followed by ‘Fatigue’, ‘unusual changes in weight’, ‘headaches and leg pain’, Insomnia’, ‘Difficulty breathing’, ‘high blood pressure’, ‘dry mounth’ and ‘sweaty hand & feet’.


  • Encourage teachers to take short breaks throughout the day to stretch, walk around and relax their muscles.
  • Incorporate physical activity into the school day for teachers. This can include brief movement breaks, yoga sessions or walking meeting which can help reduce physical tension and improve overall well-being
  • Promote healthy habits such as staying hydrated, eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly to support overall well-being and reduce stress.
  • Providing access to resources such as counseling services or stress management workshop can also be beneficial.
  • Ensure teachers have proper chairs, desks and equipment to support good posture and reduce strain on their bodies.


Finally this research paper concluded that teachers are not physically well.  Because most of the respondents are encountered by some physical stress in day to day life in their workplace.  If the teachers are followed above stated suggestion, the physical stress in their life and in also work place. The teachers can be teach more effectively may be reduced.



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To cite this article

Natchatrakani, D., & Devi, P. (2024). A Study on Physical stress faced by higher secondary school teachers in Tenkasi District. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 7(1), 10-16.

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