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September 30, 2022

Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies

Volume 5           Issue 3           July – September 2022           Pages 19-25


*Princy star, E., & **Rexlin Jose, G.

*Research Scholar, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.

**Assistant Professor, Department of Education (DD & CE), M.S. University, Tirunelveli. Tamil Nadu, India.



English has been regarded as a lingua Franca. It is estimated that 565 million people use internet every day. English is used in Education, travel purposes, international communication, language of business and English is seen as a passport to the global world. Many European and Asian companies have also adopted English as their working language for their international operations. Prospective teachers need excellent English Pronunciation Skills to succeed in their career. Prospective Teachers must possess highly developed pronunciation skills to become successful in their profession. English Pronunciation Skills plays an important role in speaking English to express one’s ideas. Good English Pronunciation Skills can give everyone self-confidence. Mother tongue interference has an impact on the written and spoken language among high school students. Teachers play a great role in teaching correct pronunciation. Peer learning is a method in which friends teach and learn from each other. School, social environment, biological environment, family background, parent’s education, social media influence, print media influence and electronic media influence, play a major role in pronunciation.

Keywords: honing, english, pronunciation skill, innovative strategies.


English is an international language which has seen its development for 1,400 years. It is the third-most spoken language in the world, after Chinese and Spanish. It is the most widely learned second language and is either the official language or one of the official languages in almost sixty sovereign states. There are more people who have learned English as a second language than the native speakers. In 2005, it was estimated that there were over 2 billion speakers of English (Bloch, 2021).

Importance of English

Language involves both the ability to comprehend spoken and written words and to create communication in real time when one speaks or writes (Stangor, 2014). Education still a greater problem for the under developed nations. They are in the process of development. However, it is possible to think of and suggest solutions on a  tentative basis (Murty, 1982). Language is a means of communication; it is through language people share their thoughts with others. English has been regarded as the Lingua Franca. English is an international language which is used to communicate in many fields ranging from enlightment to entertainment. Many countries teach and encourage youngsters to acquire English as a second language. Even in nations where English is not an official language, many science and engineering curriculum has been written in English. English Language bestows a lot of career opportunities to those who speak this language anywhere in the world. There are many reasons why people are learning this rich language. Similarly, it has turned into an inevitable requirement for various fields and professions like medicine, computing and more.

Reasons to Learn the English Language

English language is a global language. English is the language which connects people from different regions, cultures and nations (Jyothi, 2016). It is so common that one out of five people can speak or understand this language. Learning the English Language can help in getting a job easily. As it is the official language of 53 countries, learning it helps to break the language barriers.

English Language and its utility

English language plays a vital role in every field.

English on internet

English is the language of choice by internet users because of the tremendous rise of information technology, particularly internet.

English for International Communication

Language is a communication tool used by everyone in their daily life as a means to convey information and arguments to others. The most important function of a language is to allow people to communicate effectively. For many years, English has been the most widely known and valued language on the planet. In other words, English becomes an efficient tool for communicating with people all over the world.

Statement of the Problem

Students need excellent English Pronunciation Skills to succeed in their studies. English Pronunciation Skills are required to students and this will help them in the future. A common mistake made by the students who are studying English as their second language is that they are not paying enough attention to English Pronunciation. This underestimation of the importance of pronunciation is because the student considers the other aspects of the English language such as grammar, lexicology and vocabulary as important but not pronunciation. English Pronunciation plays a vital role in proper communication because incorrect use of pronunciation will lead to the message being misunderstood by the person who listens. Pronunciation of the letter sounds in words as well as syllable emphasis on parts of words will often not change the words’ meaning and context drastically thereby irreversibly altering the meaning of the sentence being communicated. If a student’s grammar and vocabulary are good he or she may write good English, but if the same student lacks fundamental knowledge in pronunciation it is very difficult for the student to communicate effectively. However, those who wish to excel at the English language will always have to give the knowledge of pronunciation a higher priority. The researcher wanted to identify how students acquired the wrong pronunciation. They are acquiring wrong pronunciation because of their teachers, as they take whatever they teach them, students believe whatever words come from the mouth of their teachers stand as gospel for them. They believe in their pronunciation and speak accordingly. Even after learning for fourteen years of English the students are not able to speak correct pronunciation of each and every word in English. The key factors, for this kind of wrong pronunciation rest on the irresponsibility of the teachers irrespective of their disciplines. The researcher wanted to do justice to the student community in doing a piece of research on what are the reasons which are hindering the students from acquiring correct pronunciation. As far as students are concerned they are hailing from various backgrounds, they come from homes where parents are uneducated. The school they learn, the social background, friends influence and so on make a lot of impact of the student’s spoken language. Mother tongue influence plays a great role in speaking, wrong pronunciation. The prospective teachers become the future teachers. If these prospective teachers’ pronunciation is corrected and when they become teachers in various schools they transmit this correct English Pronunciation to the students. This in turn slowly changes the students. Thus, the students will learn the correct English Pronunciation through their teachers.

The investigator wanted to enhance the English Pronunciation of the prospective teachers as she had understood through a survey study conducted earlier by her that they lack command over English language. The investigator being an English teacher wanted to do an experiment with the help of multimedia Instructional device in helping the prospective teachers acquire skills in English Pronunciation.

In colleges of education, the prospective teachers are not given much importance to practice pronunciation as they do not make them learn and practice these skills very easily, interestingly and effectively. Since the Conventional method of teaching teaching lags behind all these salient features, the prospective teachers as well as lack in their communication skills. In order to solve this problem the investigator wanted to introduce Multimedia Instructional Device in the place of conventional method. The investigator realized the need and importance of English Pronunciation Skills which every prospective teacher should acquire so as to strengthen his or her communication skills.


The findings of the study showed that the Multimedia Instructional Device was a significant contribution to the process of teaching and learning of English Pronunciation skills. The results of the study revealed that the MID could be introduced to the educational institutions especially to the colleges of education for the betterment of the prospective teachers’ command over the English Language and for the development of their communication skills. Hence, the investigator wanted to recommend the educational clients to introduce this innovative and effective MID to the colleges of education.

a) To Teachers

Teachers must encourage and motivate the students to learn the skill of speaking English. They must make it mandatory to use Pocket Dictionary during language class. Teachers must encourage the students to read Story Books, Autobiographies and so on. Language teachers must teach Phonetics; his will help them to speak Correct Pronunciation. They can give Language Games, drills and exercises to students which will help them practice the language and minimize the pronunciation problems. Grammar must be given importance while teaching the English Language. Teachers must avoid the use of Vernacular Language while teaching English in the classroom.

Teachers can teach pronunciation using Language Lab. They must give counseling and motivation to the students to speak the English Language. Teachers can motivate the students to participate in Co-curricular activities such as debates, spell bee, speech, elocution competition, poetry, recitation and essay writing can help the children learn the language. They must learn the proper pronunciation of each and every word before they teach them to the students. They should be trained to improve their English Language potency and pronunciation to enhance their teaching in classrooms.

b) To Parents

Parents must encourage their children to communicate in English even at home. They must create an environment at home for the students to speak in English. They can buy story books, autobiographies and encourage their children to read at home. Even though the parents cannot speak English they can try to converse with them in English. They can ask the younger siblings to converse with their elder ones in English at home. They can encourage their children to listen to B.B.C News. They can purchase books on pronunciation and ask them to learn ten new words every day. They can ask them to read books and newspapers loudly.

Parents can purchase audio-video games which will help in pronunciation. They can take their children to the place where they can connect with English speaking people. They can encourage their children to participate in all the competitions related to English. They can arrange celebrations whereby they can invite children who can converse in English.

c) To Students

Students can listen to native speakers’ talks. They can practise saying tongue twisters. They must avoid speaking in Slang Words while speaking English. They must try to speak loudly and clearly and must practise difficult sounds. They must avoid using the Vernacular Language both in School and Home. They must stand in front of the mirror and try to speak English. They must read English Language Newspapers, including Broadsheets as well as Magazines and Tabloids, Story Books, Biographies which will help them speak correct English. They must converse in English with their friends while talking over Telephone.

Student can watch English movies and listen to great Peoples’ Talk in British English. They must listen to English Language News and must update themselves with Current Affairs which will also expand their Vocabulary. They will become more comfortable with how words are spelt and the contexts in which they are used. They can make a vocabulary book either in a notebook or on their Computer, and make a list of useful words and phrases. Students while studying the English Language they must not feel it like a burden, rather they must feel fun while learning. They must ask a lot of questions to either their teachers or to their friends. This will help them improve their speech. They should to take notes of New Vocabulary.

Students can label the name of the items in their houses such as phone, window, mirror and so on, every time they use it will embed in their memory. They can listen to British and American music, watch films, News, Entertainments, the radio, and TV shows, will help in improving the language. It will be the best friend while learning the language. They buy a good Bilingual Dictionary. They can have a dairy and write regularly, it is a great way to use new vocabulary. Students should learn English Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. They must change the language on their social media or smart phone and can watch plays, and take part in exhibitions, talks and so on organized by English communities. Students must talk to their classmates in English when teacher’s are not in class, make a group to play games, have a meal or just chat together. They must join voice chats in order to improve their language skill and must write in English blogs on websites. All students should be given practices to improve their English Pronunciation. Audio-visual aids should be used in teaching to improve English Pronunciation skills among School Students. Teachers should be trained to improve their English language potency and English Pronunciation skills to enhance their teaching in classroom.

To the regulatory Bodies

a) UGC (University Grants Commission)

UGC promptes and coordinates university and college Education. In terms of determining and maintaining standards in teaching, examining (Multimedia Instructional Device) into the B.Ed. curriculum so that the regulatory body (UGC) may help the prospective teachers to ensure effective communication with correct English Pronunciation.

b) MOE (Ministry of Education)

MOE has been undertaking a large number of pilot projects especially reforming curriculum and reframing the standards of text books at the higher education level. Hence, the investigator recommends MOE insist on the colleges of Education to incorporate MID (Multimedia Instructional Device) into the B.Ed. curriculum so as to enhance better communication among prospective teachers.

c) NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education)

NCTE has been the advisory body for the central and state government with regard to teacher education. The mandate given to the NCTE is to teach and train teachers in the field of Education. Hence the investigator recommends NCTE to insist on the college of Education to incorporate MID (Multimedia Instructional Device) into the B.Ed. curriculum so as to promote the prospective teachers pronunciation in English.

d) To the Government (State and Central)

Language Education is an integral part of teacher Education. Any word that comes from the mouth of a teacher is the gospel for their wards. If a teacher pronounces a word incorrectly his ward will accept it and pronounce it as it is. Unless the student teachers are taught to pronounce properly their English, teaching will carry communication flaw. Hence, the investigator recommends the government that every teacher education institution should develop English pronunciation skills of prospective teachers and also the teacher educators so as to have a correct pronunciation.


English is an international language. There are more people who have learned English as a second language. In Macaulay Minute it is clear that English stands prominent among the languages. English has been regarded as a lingua Franca. It is estimated that 565 million people use internet every day. English is used in Education, travel purposes, international communication, language of business and English is seen as a passport to the global world. Many European and Asian companies have also adopted English as their working language for their international operations. Prospective teachers need excellent English Pronunciation Skills to succeed in their career. Prospective Teachers must possess highly developed pronunciation skills to become successful in their profession. English Pronunciation Skills plays an important role in speaking English to express one’s ideas. Good English Pronunciation Skills can give one more self-confidence. Mother tongue interference has an impact on the written and spoken language among high school students. Teachers play a great role in teaching correct pronunciation. Peer learning is a method in which friends teach and learn from each other. School, social environment, biological environment, family background, parent’s education, social media influence, print media influence and electronic media influence play a major role in pronunciation.

Cultivation of correct pronunciation is possible by listening to BBC news, listening and talking with native speakers, Listening to English songs and watching English movies. There are various apps like You Glish, Adobe Spark, Voki, Puppet pals, Fotobabble, Schoology, Voice Thread, Google Tools and so on, which help in improving pronunciation.



Jyothi. (2016). High School English Grammer Book, New Jothi publications, 15-25.

Jyothi. (2016). ‘Importance of English in employment’, 4, 1-6.

Murty, S. K. (1982). Contemporary Problems and Current Trends in Education, 3-14.

Stangor, C. (2014). ‘Introduction to Psychology’- 1st Canadian Edition chapter 9, 24-36.


To cite this article

Princy Star, E., & Rexlin Jose, G. (2022). Honing English Pronunciation Skill by dint of Innovative Strategies. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 5(3), 19-25.

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