*Josephin Bella, M. & **Rexlin Jose, G.
*Assistant Professor, Bethesda College of Education, Bethelpuram, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
**Assistant Professor, Department of Education, M. S. University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
The system of education evaluation is mostly based on grading. Students who are sharp in learning show excellent results in grading and they are always appreciated by society, teachers, and parents. Students like to live in social gathering of friends, family members, and classmates but due to the prevailing education system, students do not have much time for their social life and healthy activities like sports, visits, and entertainment. In order to get good grades and distinctions in class students are working hard not only in their school timings but also in homes or hostels. Even they do not have time to take proper meal. As a result, their mental and physical health affected due to which they become weak and their immunity system also affected badly. When a student fails to get good marks in grading will be the result stress, phobia, drug addiction, escapism, and even sometimes suicides. These factors had deep effect on the life ahead. Recently we came across through different social media tools and newspapers that about six students committed suicide after the declaration of higher secondary result, due to the huge mental pressure on students and demand of high marks everywhere. Our system is based on quantity, here number counts rather than the quality. There should be one compulsory period in each educational institution for individual mentoring of students to peruse them and guide them towards practical life. The grading system should be labeled as a motivation for improvement rather than just a tag of discouragement and disappointment for students. Human beings are not machine beings. In order to promote society and cultural norms students should be encouraged to take part in healthy and thought-provoking academic activities. This study shows the level of social influence is average. Plus, two students have significant difference in the social influence on the exam phobia.
social influence, exam phobia, plus two students.
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To cite this article
Josephin Bella, M. & Rexlin Jose, G. (2021). Social Influence on the Exam Phobia of Plus Two Students. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 4(3), 52-66.