September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021


*Adil Wakeel, **Asif Akhtar, & ***Rahela Farooqi

*Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

**Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

***Professor, Centre of Management Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, India.


The objective of the present study is to examine the differences in relationship marketing practices, e-satisfaction, and purchase intention on Ecommerce, across demographic characteristics of consumers. The data has been collected using stratified random sampling method from consumers living in the national capital of Delhi, India. The present study has validated the scale for relationship marketing practices, e-satisfaction, and purchase intention. Hypotheses testing has been conducted using t-test and ANOVA. The results show that there are gender differences in information quality, security, privacy, and purchase intention. However, gender differences are insignificant for website quality, website usability, search/compare capabilities, lower rates, responsiveness, order tracking, on-time delivery, and customer service. The present study also confirms the occupational differences in search/compare capabilities, security/privacy, order delivery, customer service, e-satisfaction, and purchase intention.


e-commerce, relationship marketing, demographics.



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To cite this article

Adil Wakeel, Asif Akhtar & Rahela Farooqi. (2021). Relationship Marketing in E-Commerce: Demographic characteristics of online consumers in India. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 4(3), 10-38.


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