September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021

Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies

Volume 4           Issue 3           July – September 2021           Pages 45-51


Lucky Mehta

Sr. Lecturer, Trinity Institute of Innovations in Professional Studies, Delhi NCR, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.


In 2019, the novel corona virus emerged from Wuhan, China, and started spreading worldwide and gave rise to severe respiratory illness. With the passage of time the severity of infection rates started increasing at a very faster rate on a global perspective and led many countries to impose lock-down all across the world. And this all caused many industries and organizations to run their business via Work from home (WFH). During pandemic period majority of organizations and industries accomplished their tasks via Work from home (WFH) and that posed a little pressure over people to maintain work life balance. This research paper will focus on impact of work from home on human life. The researcher has used secondary data to collect the information from various existing study material, research articles, papers etc.

Keywords: work from home, work-life-balance, pandemic COVID-19, human life


Corona virus comes in many forms and shapes due to continuous mutations creating a new variant, or strain, of a virus to form. A new variant of Corona virus works in different ways.

Scientists around the world are continuously researching & tracking changes in the virus that causes COVID-19. The research work is helping experts understand whether certain COVID-19 variants spread faster than others, how these Corona may affect your health with severe effects on your body How different vaccines doses are been given to the people to safeguard the mankind as different variants are causing different effects on people 78qagainst them as all different variants are reacting differently. Corona viruses 77v just pop up recently instead affected human life specially on health front They’re a very large family of variants that have been around us since last for a long time. Many of them can cause a variety of illnesses, from a mild cough to severe respiratory illnesses.

The  novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is one of several known to infect humans. It’s probably been around for some time in animal beings also. Sometimes, a virus in animals crosses over into people. The Corona Virus   isn’t new to the world, but it is new to humans. When scientists found out that it was making people sick in 2019, they named it as a novel coronavirus. Experts call these strains SARS-CoV-2.

Corona Variants and human life

Coronaviruses have all their genetic material in something called RNA (ribonucleic acid). RNA has some similarities to DNA, but they aren’t the same. When viruses infect you, they attach to your cells, get inside them, and make copies of their RNA, which helps them spread. If there’s a copying mistake, the RNA gets changed. Scientists call those changes mutations. These changes happen randomly and by accident. It’s a normal part of what happens to viruses as they multiply and spread. The severity of infection differs from one variant to another. They may make little to no difference in a person’s health. Other times, they may cause disease. If a virus has a random change that makes it easier to infect people and it spreads at a very faster rate. The Corona virus can change over a period of time with its new variants. World Health Organization (WHO) informed and identified about the cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan City, China On 31 December 2019. In 2019, the novel corona virus emerged from Wuhan, China, and started spreading worldwide and gave rise to severe respiratory illness. In the beginning no one could imagine the seriousness of the issue. With the passage of time the severity of infection rates started increasing at a very faster rate on a global perspective and led many countries to impose lock-down all across the world. Still various mutations of CORONA viruses are taking place and giving rise to many strains of corona. And this all causing all-business activities, across all industries. The lockdown impacted various industries such as airlines, hospitality, hotel, manufacturing industry and these industries totally stopped working during COVID period. Millions of people lost their jobs in these sectors and caused enormous disruption in businesses leading to permanent shut down of many businesses for near about one year. Organizations and industries incurred financial losses due to the disruptions caused by the pandemic. Under these circumstances companies were having no other option to run their offices through work from home (WFH). As this was the only way to cope up with all kinds of turbulent situations and was the only option to run all kind of business activities and to lessen its severe impact on human life. As SARS corona virus was mishandled in the beginning by people across the globe so it spread rapidly at a very fast pace. People were confined to stay back home for many months and in isolation by using several precautionary measures such as sanitizers, face masks and gloves. organizational employers decided to run the business through ‘Work from Home’ under these restrictions.

Emotional well-being of people during COVID period

As people stayed back and lived in isolation at home and worked from home for several months near-about a year during COVID period. This all caused a feeling of distress, dissatisfaction loneliness & isolation. people were completely disconnected from each other and cut-off. Employers have no option, but to trust their employees. Though WFH has its own advantages and disadvantages.


To study the impact of Pandemic COVID on human life with the help of secondary data sources.

Research methodology

The researcher has used descriptive research method to explore this topic The research paper is based on secondary data sources like existing study material, journal papers,

Literature review

In the beginning, WHO was intimated about several severe cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City in Hubei Province on December 31, 2019. Novel coronavirus, originally abbreviated as 2019-nCoV by WHO, was identified from the throat swab sample of a patient leading to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and this chronic illness was re-named as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the WHO. And after sometime, WHO declared the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International concern all across the globe. SARS Corona virus is pandemic in nature and its infectious rate is severely high with a relatively high mortality rate. Many people lost their lives and hospitalized during second wave of COVID.  The COVID-19 pandemic has altered and affected every aspect of our work and life. Due to the containment policies, organizations and industries encouraged their employees to work remotely at home to stay safe. Work from home (WFH) concept came into existence in the early 2000s when workers felt more comfortable by WFH to avoid commuting as people need and love flexibility in schedules to achieve a better work-life balance. Many organizations believe that WFH will become more common after the pandemic due to the fact that employers have already paid the fixed cost to set up remote work systems for their employees. But WFH also doesn’t not give any opportunity to socialize along with lesser physical movements. Moreover, increased hours of screen exposure due to all time computer work leads to fatigue, tiredness, headaches and eye-related symptoms. People lived in social isolation and depression for many months. Work from home also gave rise to blurred work-life boundaries increasing stress and anxiety. Ongoing work-family conflict can lead to emotional exhaustion. As during pandemic period all family members stayed back home so there was more chances of family conflicts. The World Health Organization (WHO) came up with the fact that SARS CORONA virus considered as Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March, 2020 (SOURCE: Statement of committee on second meeting, World Health Organization; 30 January 2020). The first case was identified in Kerala on 30 January, 2020. The patient was a student of Wuhan University and returned from there (Wuhan, China) to Kerala (India), (SOURCE: Unnithan, P. S. G., 2020; India Today).

After that many cases from different parts of the globe and the country came into light and now it has been covered the whole nation with its impact. Corona virus is easily spreading between people even by touching objects. COVID19 might be spread by individuals who are not demonstrating manifestations. Through respiratory beads delivered by a tainted individual hack, sniffles, or talks. These beads land in the mouths or noses of individuals who are close by or perhaps be breathed in into the lungs (SOURCE:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-covi d-spreads.html).

Basic side effects incorporate fever, hack, weakness, brevity of breath, and loss of feeling of smell. the first lockdown was announced on 22March, 2020. Specialists worldwide have reacted by executing travel limitations, lockdowns, work environment danger controls, and office terminations. Numerous spots have likewise attempted to build testing limit and follow contacts of contaminated people (https://uniteforrecov ery.govt.nz/).

Pandemic COVID-19 interfered with the lifestyle of every human being all across the globe. Isolation at home and Family Relationships Isolation left negative mental impacts. Individuals, who are financially distraught or in poor physical or mental wellbeing, are at higher hazard.


The pandemic situation, gave rise a shift in thought process and mindset of the people. Today people are more receptive, challenging. People need to be tech enabled and tech savvy as remote working has triggered every human being to become more tech enabled. It has also been realized technology is really playing a very important role in fostering the business activities. Work from home has led all the organizations to deploy highly advanced technology. As technology plays a very pivotal role during this crisis so employees are trained and motivated to deliver the best towards business result. There is also an urgent need to invest in advancement of digital platforms and tools for bringing more productivity and efficiency. Skill building and enhancement is urgently required to make employees more competent. Pandemic COVID gave rise to the evolution of masks, gloves and sanitizer as a permanent part of life. Employers need to give more attention to the people by asking their well-being. During this phase people also need counselling and lacking emotional bonds. So, there is a need to develop that bond with them. Organizations need to maintain a good employee relations and better communication ways.

Since December 2020, several coronavirus variants have been identified and are under investigation. Each new variant has come up with several questions like are people all across the globe? Are people more at risk for getting sick and infected? Are COVID vaccines still work? Are there new or different things you should do now to stay safe? So there is a broader scope for the researchers to work on these areas and their impacts on human life


It can be said that the COVID-19 pandemic period has impacted on both the dimensions- professional or personal. Every individual is fighting a battle on personal, professional and on multi-dimensional fronts for the betterment. People at home and offices need to maintain harmony and peace at personal and professional front. It is the best time to develop new skillsets, stay calm, and be passionate and healthy by body, mind and soul. People need to go for all vaccinations and follow all precautionary measures to save their lives and lead a quality life.



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To cite this article

Lucky Mehta. (2021). A Study of Work from Home and its impact on human life during Pandemic COVID -19. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 4(3), 45-51.

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