March 31, 2021Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies
Blessy, T.
Associate Professor, Bethlahem College of Education, Karungal, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India.
All over the planet, demands of the communities and the improvement of people’s life quality are changing fast. While this advance has helped the human race, mismanagement has led to new problems of contamination and pollution. Waste management is becoming more convoluted with the raid of electronic waste. For avoiding such kind issues of e-waste it is necessary to be aware of e-waste and should have the knowledge on e-waste management. Considering this in mind, this study has been undertaken to give awareness about e-waste through visual inputs for student teachers so that it will help them and also the students they are going to teach to be aware of e-waste. For the present study, experimental method was employed and a sample of 36 B.Ed students was selected. The findings revealed that there is significant difference in the post-test scores, delayed post-test scores and gain scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to background variables.
Keywords: e-waste management, visual inputs, B.Ed. students
Demands of the communities and the enhancement of people’s life quality are shifting fast all over the planet. In this process, we fulfill our indispensable needs via technology-based products (Ozturk, 2014). Electronic commodities and gadgets have become indispensable components of metropolitan households and also in rural areas as well. These electronic goods turn into a neglected obsolete heap of hazardous elements (Tyagi, 2013). Although this development has helped the human race, mismanagement has led to new problems of contamination and pollution. The technical prowess acquired during the last century has posed a new challenge in the management of wastes (Ramachandra &Vargheese, 2004). The risk of exposure to lead, cadmium, chromium, and other hazardous materials that can be toxic to human health and the environment. The accumulation of toxins from electronic waste into land and air poses significant health risks to recycling workers and to people living in neighbouring areas (Koka, 2015).
Significance of the study
Nowadays, the whole world is advancing in the field of technology. People wish to buy new advanced electronic equipment. This has resulted in dumping the old electronic products as e-waste products are hazardous to human living E-waste is a popular informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their useful life.
The industrial revolution followed by the advances in information technology during the last century has radically changed people’s lifestyle and people move towards luxurious life. They wish to buy new advanced electronic equipments whenever it is introduced in the market. It harms the environment in which we live. The radiations emitted by the electronic waste affect our as well as forthcoming generations.
Thus appropriate management is needed while disposing or recycling e-wastes. The teachers should know the appropriate management of e-waste which is a burning issue nowadays. They have to guide their students in the proper way to mould them as responsible citizens. Through visual models such as youtube videos, pictures, and animations we can make students teachers to be well-knowledged on E-waste management. So the research focuses on “Effectiveness of Visual Inputs in E-waste management among B.Ed Students
Objectives of the study
The study was conducted on the basis of the following objectives:
- To construct and validate an awareness test on E-waste management (ATEWM).
- To find out significant difference if any, in the post-test scores of B.Ed students in awareness test on E-waste management(ATEWM) with regard to background variables.
- To find out significant difference if any, in the delayed post-test scores of B.Ed students in awareness test on E-waste management(ATEWM) with regard to background variables.
- To find out significant difference if any, in the gain scores of B.Ed students in awareness test on E-waste management(ATEWM) with regard to background variables.
The background variables are locality of residence, discipline, attitude towards multimedia, and qualification.
Hypotheses of the study
H01: There is no significant difference in the post-test scores of B.Ed students in ATEWM with regard to background variables.
H02: There is no significant difference in the delayed post-test scores of B.Ed students in ATEWM with regard to background variables.
H03: There is no significant difference in the gain scores of B.Ed students in ATEWM with regard to background variables.
In the present study, experimental method was employed. The investigator has chosen the one group design for conducting the experiment.
A sample of 36 B.Ed. students studying in a college of education were selected for conducting experiment.
Sampling technique
Random sampling technique was used in the used.
Tools Used
The major tools used for the present study are
- Awareness test on E-Waste Management (ATEWM)
- Visual Inputs- Images, YouTube Videos, Powerpoint presentations related to E-Waste management.
In order to establish content validity, the tool was given to two experts of Bethlahem College of Education, Karungal. According to their opinion, some questions were changed. Thus the content validity of the test was established. The co-efficient of reliability calculated for the Awareness test on E-waste Management was found to be 0.62.
Conducting the experiment
The investigator had selected one group among the B.Ed students in Bethlahem College of Education, Karungal in kanyakumari district. Totally there were thirty six students in that group. The pre-test was administered to the group. The group completed the test within an hour. After conducting a pre-test to the group, the investigator showed many visual models to the students related to E-Waste management. The Visual inputs includes YouTube videos, PowerPoint presentations, images and animations, and flashcards. The treatment was given for fifteen days by spending forty five minutes per day. After conducting the experiment, the group was given a post-test. Their responses were scored with the help of the scoring key prepared by the investigator. A score of one mark is given to the correct answer and zero is given to the wrong answer. After conducting the post-test a gap is given for fifteen days and the group was given a delayed post-test. Their responses were scored.
Analysis of Data
Hypothesis: 1. There is no significant difference in the post-test scores of B.Ed students in ATEWM with regard to background variables.
Table 1. Significance of difference in the post-test scores of B.Ed Students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to background variables
Background Variables | Category | N | Mean | S.D | t-value | P-value | Remarks at 5% level |
Locality of residence | Rural | 30 | 20.40 | 3.64 | 3.854 | 0.005 | Sig at 0.01 level |
Urban | 6 | 16.17 | 2.14 | ||||
Discipline | Arts | 17 | 17.88 | 4.34 | 2.944 | 0.006 | Sig at 0.01 level |
Science | 19 | 21.32 | 2.21 | ||||
Attitude towards Multimedia | Yes | 29 | 20.38 | 3.70 | 2.883 | 0.007 | Sig at 0.01 level |
No | 7 | 16.86 | 2.67 | ||||
Qualification | UG | 26 | 18.77 | 3.66 | 2.799 | 0.008 | Sig at 0.01 level |
PG | 10 | 22.10 | 3.00 |
Hypothesis: 2. There is no significant difference in the delayed post-test scores of B.Ed students in ATEWM with regard to background variables.It is inferred from the above table, the post-test scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to background variables, the p-value is less than 0.05, at 0.01 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected. It shows that there is significant difference in the post-test scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to background variables.
Table 2. Significance of difference in the delayed post-test scores of B.Ed Students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to background variables
Background Variables | Category | N | Mean | S.D | t- value | P-value | Remarks at 5% level |
Locality of residence | Rural | 30 | 20.03 | 3.49 | 3.099 | 0.004 | Sig at 0.01 level |
Urban | 6 | 15.83 | 2.93 | ||||
Discipline | Arts | 17 | 17.29 | 4.15 | 3.489 | 0.001 | Sig at 0.01 level |
Science | 19 | 21.16 | 2.03 | ||||
Attitude towards Multimedia | Yes | 29 | 20.00 | 3.55 | 2.426 | 0.021 | Sig at 0.05level |
No | 7 | 16.57 | 3.31 | ||||
Qualification | UG | 26 | 18.5 | 3.74 | 2.631 | 0.013 | Sig at 0.05 level |
PG | 10 | 21.50 | 2.76 |
It is inferred from the above table, the delayed post-test scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to locality of residence and discipline, the p-value is less than 0.05, at 0.01 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected. It shows that there is significant difference in the delayed post-test scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to locality and discipline. With regard to the attitude towards multimedia and qualification, the p-value is less than 0.05, at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected. It shows that there is significant difference in the delayed post-test scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to the attitude towards multimedia and qualification.
Hypothesis: 3. There is no significant difference in the gain scores of B.Ed students in ATEWM with regard to background variables.
Table 3. Significance of difference in the gain scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to background variables
Background Variables | Category | N | Mean | S.D | t- value | P-value | Remarks at 5% Level |
Locality of residence | Rural | 30 | 6.77 | 4.77 | 2.471 | 0.019 | Sig at 0.05 level |
Urban | 6 | 3.33 | 2.66 | ||||
Discipline | Arts | 17 | 4.76 | 3.82 | 1.831 | 0.076 | NS |
Science | 19 | 7.47 | 5.03 | ||||
Attitude towards Multimedia | Yes | 29 | 6.76 | 4.85 | 2.091 | 0.044 | Sig at 0.05level |
No | 7 | 3.86 | 2.79 | ||||
Qualification | UG | 26 | 5.00 | 4.19 | 2.617 | 0.013 | Sig at 0.05 level |
PG | 10 | 9.30 | 4.50 |
It is inferred from the above table, the gain scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to locality of residence and the attitude towards multimedia and qualification, the p-value is less than 0.05, at 0.01 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected. It shows that there is significant difference in the gain scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to locality of residence and the attitude towards multimedia and qualification. With regard to the discipline, the p-value is greater than 0.05, at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted. It shows that there is no significant difference in the gain scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-Waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to discipline.
Findings and Discussion
There is significant difference in the post-test scores, delayed post-test scores, and gain scores of B.Ed students in Awareness on E-waste Management Test (ATEWM) with regard to Background Variables. With regard to locality, the mean values of the category rural are greater than the mean value of urban. This may be due to the fact the rural students more eagerly visualizing the models shown to them and understand about e-waste management. With regard to discipline, the mean values of the category Science are greater than the mean value of arts. This may be because science students easily understand the evil effects of science and technology. With regard to attitude towards multimedia, the mean values of category yes are greater than the mean value of category no. This may be because these students are having a positive attitude towards multimedia and they are very attentive to the multimedia visuals such as videos, PowerPoint presentations, etc. With regard to qualification, the mean values of category P.G are greater than the mean value of category U.G. This may be because these students have some more experience regarding the usage of electronic gadgets. So they eagerly listen.
Educational Implications
- Orientation programs may be arranged for teachers about the harmfulness of e-waste and explain the recycling process.
- Teachers may conduct e-waste awareness programmes to the parents and also to the society.
- Teacher may give projects to the students based on e-waste recycling to promote their awareness level.
- Every school should introduce a policy for Electric and Electronic disposal. As teachers, we can show them visual presentations regarding e-waste management.
- Make every individual understand their duty to observe proper waste dumping practices.
- From school days children should be made aware about e-waste and hazardous effect on health and the environment and also the e-waste management techniques.
- Students may use the e-goods whenever necessary and avoid it if possible.
- Through NSS, NCC camp programs students may create awareness to the society.
- Students may take their projects and field studies related to e-waste.
- Students are encouraged to publish their important findings related to e-waste harmfulness with fellowships.
In the 21st century, technology fanatics thrive on staying up-to-date with the latest electronics, but the fallout is an e-waste graveyard full of devices that were abandoned after the release of “the next best thing. The harmful content of these types of equipment creates a danger to human health and the environment. Reusing, refurbishing, or recycling in an environmentally sound method so that they are less hurtful to the ecology.
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To cite this article
Blessy, T. (2021). Effectiveness of Visual Inputs in Awareness on E-Waste Management among B.Ed Students. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 4(1), 18-24.