September 30, 2020
September 30, 2020


*Sheikh Saifullah Ahmed & ** Deb Proshad Halder

*Lecturer, Department of English and Modern Languages, IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

**Lecturer, Department of English, Jashore Govt. Women’s College, Bangladesh.


This paper aims to delineate the stylistic richness and liberty prevalent in the texts of the poet, Wordsworth, which are rarely manifested by the contemporaries of Wordsworth grouped as the Romantics due to their distinct thematic and stylistic features. The paper, owing to its quality of content, affords to exhume the metrical discordances, socialized dictions laid by the poet in the body of the poems that the other romantics could not afford so abundantly. It intervenes with the hypothesis that the poetic style exercised by Wordsworth nears to the taste of social stylistic patterning of everyday usages rather than all other romantic poets in the light of poetic style and diction. It aims at interpreting and critically analyzing the content of the poems by Wordsworth and those by the other contemporaries. The study involves theoretical analysis and explanatory interpretation, that claims the development of the facts through researching archives of public libraries, courtrooms, and published academic journals. It is a qualitative content analysis-based research at which secondary data from secondary sources are incorporated. Thus, the paper culminates with the content analysis where it paves to show how distinctively Wordsworth creates the dictions of the poems in order to make them socially inclusive and make the style as free as a fountain that other romantics do not tread.


Diction, liberation, romantic, sociolect, style, wordsworth

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To cite this article

Sheikh Saifullah Ahmed, & Deb Proshad Halder. (2020). The Sociolinguistic Perspectives of the Stylistic Liberation of Wordsworth. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 3(3), 1-13.

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