September 30, 2020
இயற்றலும் வகுத்தலும் இனியவை நாற்பதை முனவைத்து
September 30, 2020
September 30, 2020
இயற்றலும் வகுத்தலும் இனியவை நாற்பதை முனவைத்து
September 30, 2020


Brahma Kumar Yudhisthir

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Madhav University, Rajasthan, India.


The prevailing deteriorating plight of human beings and present decadent state of society and the world have been ascribed, according to the researcher, to two plaguing problems, i.e., the identity crisis of human beings and their dogmatic divorce or isolation from God, the Supreme Soul – the Supreme Father of all souls who is the Supreme Source of all qualities, values, virtues, and powers. This study finds out whether the contributions of the Brahma Kumaris Movement (BKM), especially their technique of Rajayoga practice and Rajayoga Education System (RES) have an effective impact on the transformation of ‘human consciousness’, leading to self-and-societal transformation and thereby to the establishment of a better world. The study investigated the attitudinal responses of two groups of respondents – B.Ks Rajayoga Practitioners (RP) group and Non-B. Ks Rajayoga Non-Practitioners (RNP) group – towards the Rajayogic and value-based educational contributions of (BKM), which is engaged in bringing about holistic self-transformation, societal transformation, and world-transformation.


rajayoga meditation, rajayoga education system, holistic self-and-societal transformation, heavenly world, mixed-methods study, soul, values-based-led life.


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To cite this article

Brahma Kumar Yudhisthir. (2020). Role of Rajayoga Meditation and Value-Based Education for Establishment of a better World. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 3(3), 28-47.

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