June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020


* Meenakshi Kaushik & **Neha Guleria

*Professor & Head of the department, School of Commerce and Management,  Lingayas University, Faridabad, (Haryana), Delhi NCR, India.

**Research Scholar, School of Commerce and Management, Lingayas University, Faridabad,  (Haryana), Delhi NCR, India.


The period of COVID-19 brings some positivity in a few domains while some negativity in other domains of life of an employee. So, the present study is about employee relations and engagement which have affected by the COVID-19 period. The productivity of an employee lies in his/her happiness. A satisfied and happy employee opens the way of success to his/her organization. For this, healthy surroundings play an important role. Happy relations between employee and employer are key to increase the productivity and performance of both-employee and organization. But somehow, productivity and performance also linked to employee engagement. Employee engagement shows the passion and determination of an employee towards a particular job. The commitment and unrestricted efforts towards the achievement of organizational goals are all about employee engagement. But in the scenario of COVID-19 both the factors have suffered. If employee engagement has affected because of pandemic then it also has an impact on employee relations as there is poor communication or face-to-face interactions are missing. Maintaining a good rapport with employees by making excessive communication and interaction is the need of the hour by helping them not only in the technological domain but also in engaging and retaining them during this COVID-19 period.


COVID-19, employee relations, employee engagement, employer, productivity, performance.


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To cite this article

Meenakshi Kaushik, & Neha Guleria. (2020). Employee Relations and Engagement during COVID-19. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 3(2), 1-11.

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