* Meenakshi Kaushik & **Neha Guleria
*Professor & Head of the department, School of Commerce and Management, Lingayas University, Faridabad, Delhi NCR, India.
**Research Scholar, School of Commerce and Management, Lingayas University, Faridabad, Delhi NCR, India.
In organizations as well as in personal life the changes and challenges are arising at all level of employees due to the cut-throat competition in the market, fast-paced life with no objectivity in life as well as current global workplace trends. So work-life balance is the need of the hour to increase and improve motivation and moral of employees by keeping them happy and satisfies and getting maximum best from them, as well as adopting various successful retention strategies to retain valuable employees within the organization as well as maintaining the quality of work-life at workplace. This article leads to the examination of work-life balance effectiveness and its impact on the employees’ productivity. A balanced life boosts energy and efforts to perform productively. That strengthens emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual aspects of one’s life and enhance positive attitude with optimistic behaviour. The proper balance among different roles of life brings happiness and reduces stress. Both–employer and employee, play a vital role to maintain work-life balance and effective performances. Business organisations facilitate employees with various set of policies such as flexible working hours, freelancing and compressed work weeks, and training programmes to manage time factor, stress and other life roles. The study is about to clarify the root knowledge of work-life balance influencing by various factors and the impact of these on employee performance.
work-life balance, employee performance, attitude, employee productivity, stress free life.
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To cite this article
Meenakshi Kaushik, & Neha Guleria. (2020). A Conceptual Study on Work-Life Balance and its impact on Employee Performance. Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, 3(1), 1-11.