EduSpark_v4i3_July-September 2022
September 30, 2022
Sparkling_v5i4_October-December 2022
December 31, 2022
EduSpark_v4i3_July-September 2022
September 30, 2022
Sparkling_v5i4_October-December 2022
December 31, 2022

Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies

(A Quarterly Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal)

Volume 5 Issue 3 July - September 2022


*Sahaya George Dharathi, S., & **Rexlin Jose, G.

*Research Scholar (Reg. No: 21214011042004), Department of Education, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.

**Assistant Professor, Department of Education (DD&CE), Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.                     


Various technology-based interventions exist to support grammatical skills for students with learning difficulties. The provision of technology alone, however, isn’t sufficient. A teacher’s approach to implementing it may have an effect on student achievements. This study utilises various technologies to improve the grammatical skills of 35 students with learning disabilities in grades 6-8. The Research design consists of five phases: selection of the sample, content preparation, organising content based upon the syllabus, construction of achievement test, and Experimentation. The investigator has employed a pre-test – post-test Control Group design. The experimenter introduced the treatment with a module. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and a t-test. The results revealed that the average achievement scores after receiving the treatment on the module were statistically and significantly high. The mean score of experimental group Post-Test (20.31) was greater than the mean score of experimental group Pre-Test (16.77) on the acquisition of the grammatical skill of middle school children. The School Administrators and teachers can use this treatment as guidance to develop the grammatical skills of children with learning difficulties.


technology-based interventions, grammatical skills, middle school children.


*Sarala, A., **Merlin Sasikala, J, E., & ***Ravi Chandran, T.

*Ph.D. Research Scholar, AUCE, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India.

**Associate Professor, Alagappa University College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India.

***Associate Professor, Government College of Education, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Techno-pedagogical skills play an important role to make accessible and affordable quality education to all. It related to hybrid teaching style in which ICT is used to teach and learn in a classroom setting to enhance the blended learning. Blended learning is regarded as a combination of face-to-face learning and online learning and emphasizes the use of Internet-based technologies, such as emphasizing the role of online activities in expanding and developing face-to-face learning. The researcher used purposive survey method was employed.  A sample of 25 Higher secondary teachers from 5 Govt. Higher Secondary Schools   were selected as sample or the present study. Likert type with 4  point  scale (often,  always, sometimes, never), was used to assess the awareness in using techno pedagogical skills, and thereby check list and observation were used to assess the teaching competency. This present study revealed that there is no significance difference among higher secondary Teachers in the improvement of their  Teaching  competency with the use of technological devices with response to their  gender,  areas, subjects, and experience.


techno pedagogical skill, higher secondary teachers, blended learning, technological devices, ICT.


*Princy star, E., & **Rexlin Jose, G.

*Research Scholar, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.

**Assistant Professor, Department of Education (DD & CE), M.S. University, Tirunelveli. Tamil Nadu, India.


English has been regarded as a lingua Franca. It is estimated that 565 million people use internet every day. English is used in Education, travel purposes, international communication, language of business and English is seen as a passport to the global world. Many European and Asian companies have also adopted English as their working language for their international operations. Prospective teachers need excellent English Pronunciation Skills to succeed in their career. Prospective Teachers must possess highly developed pronunciation skills to become successful in their profession. English Pronunciation Skills plays an important role in speaking English to express one’s ideas. Good English Pronunciation Skills can give everyone self-confidence. Mother tongue interference has an impact on the written and spoken language among high school students. Teachers play a great role in teaching correct pronunciation. Peer learning is a method in which friends teach and learn from each other. School, social environment, biological environment, family background, parent’s education, social media influence, print media influence and electronic media influence, play a major role in pronunciation.


honing, english, pronunciation skill, innovative strategies.


* Sheela, M., C, & **Kaveya, P.

*Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University College, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.

**Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Economics, University College, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.


Migration refers to the movement of people from one area on to another. It shapes the pattern of human settlements and has a proactive role in human development. It helps in growing demands of the economy and contributes a lot to the GDP of a particular economy. The adding of migrants also adds a lot towards the contribution of human capital formation in the economy. The labour force participation rate implies the total number of people who are employed at the existing working age group. Figures represent that the total number of labour force participation rate among the male have a higher share than female labour force participation. However, many of the studies of the recent decades plot that there has been an increasing trend in the area of labour employment in female labour market. Recent estimations by ILO represent that the total amount of labour force constitute around 164 million which accounts to almost around half of the total migration of the century. This paper tries to analyse the shifting focus of the labour market and the factors contributing to it. For the purpose of analysis, the paper takes into account data of 5 years performance of female labour force market trends. Analysis of data was undertaken using ANOVA, Fixed price model and the result formulated that there exists a positive relationship between social, economic and basic amenity services. There existed a negative association with cultural factors. JEL Classification: B25, B27, B29.


international labour organisation, gross domestic product, periodic labour force survey

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