EduSpark_v1i3_July-September 2019
September 30, 2019
EduSpark_v1i4_October-December 2019
December 31, 2019
EduSpark_v1i3_July-September 2019
September 30, 2019
EduSpark_v1i4_October-December 2019
December 31, 2019

Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies

(A Quarterly Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal)

Volume 2 Issue 3 July - September 2019


*Akanwa A. O. & **Ikegbunam F. I.

*_**Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Management, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU), P.M.B. 02 Uli, Campus, Anambra State, Nigeria.


The mining environment has been characterized by a number of risks and vulnerabilities with the implications for the attainment of the SDGs. One of these risks is the unwholesome, unregulated and unsustainable process of extracting natural resources in Nigeria. The abundance of solid minerals in the country has led to massive exploitation in various ways that has brought about dire consequences on environmental resources. This includes the ever increasing issues of climate change, landscape destruction, land cover changes, change in livelihood, endangered  animal/plant species  and  risks on human life among others are likely to sabotage environmental sustainability. There is need for a greater attention to be given to environmental and sustainable best practices in literature. Therefore, this paper assessed human actions such as mining/quarry industry and its effects on the natural environment and it also identifies the factors undermining environmental sustainability and hence, sustainable development goals. Various related studies, personal research, published and unpublished journals were reviewed. The concepts of sustainable development and best practice in quarrying/mining were adopted to critically assess the situation. The paper identified three major factors affecting increased unsustainable mineral exploitation practices that are detrimental to achieving sustainable development. It is recommended that best practices should embrace realities around participation, gender inclusion, transformation, and collaboration, integration between community and academia with social justice. Also, a code of practice should be provided for each State that will cover an environmental, social and institutional plan. This will require commitment and intense monitoring from the point of exploration, operation to closure of the extraction process.


natural resource, environment, deforestation, sustainable development, best practice and quarrying.


Alisha Kumari

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts and Science College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Postpartum is one of the psychological behaviours of women that occurs soon after giving birth. It is also known as “baby blues”.  It is a rare but serious mental health illness and bipolar disorder that can affect a woman soon after she has a baby. The symptoms of postpartum are high mood and racing thoughts, depression, severe confusion , loss of inhibition, paranoia, hallucination and delusions, lacking energy, having a loss of appetite, anxiety or trouble sleeping, loss of inhibitions, feeling suspicious or fearful, restlessness, confused, behaving in a way that is out of character which should be treated as a medical emergency. This psychological issue occurs as a result of societal and patriarchal condition towards the women. This kind of behaviour is mentioned in literature by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in her work, “The Yellow Wallpaper” and a real case is written by Suzy Spencer in her work, “Breaking Point”.


psychoanalysis, postpartum, maternity blue, baby blues, postnatal psychosis, yellow wallpaper, andrea yates, breaking point.


Usman V. K.

Ph.D. Research scholar, School of S.N Arts & Communication, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.


KuthuRatheeb is a ritual performance which is stems from Sufi culture and it is the huge and blend of Shiite Muslim and Sufi culture. Basically, Kerala’s KuthuRatheeb and its origin came from Kondotty, Malapuram district, Kerala, India. KuthuRatheeb is practicing by Shiite people in Kerala. Though, there are some section of people in Kerala located in Ponani, they are also practicing KuthuRatheeb but they are the followers of Sunni religious section. KuthuRatheeb is performed at ritual festivals, mosques and homes. At homes they are done to escape from incurable diseases and to fulfill the aspirations of the people. This ritual performance is taking place in Iraq by maintaining commemoration of Husain’s death in Karbala war, In Kerala this ritual performance is used to propagate religious ideologies.


performance theory,  kuthuratheeb, muslim, kerala


Shiny S

Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of History, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.


The present paper aims to highlight child welfare schemes in Tamilnadu from 1975 to 1987. Child welfare refers to physical, mental, and social wellbeing of child. The government Tamilnadu launched various schemes to improve the condition of children. The Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) introduced in the year 1975-1976 aimed at enhancing nutrition and learning opportunities the health of a infants, young children up to six years and their mothers. It consists of programs, pre – school education, supplementary nutrition, immunization, health checkups, referral services and nutrition education. Child welfare schemes also includes balwadies for tribal’s, balwadies in harijan colonies, welfare of destitute children, chief ministers nutrious meal program, free supply of text books and dresses, free foot wear to the children, students scholarship, day care centre in city slums etc. This programs enhanced the social, economic condition of children.


child welfare schemes, tamilnadu, balwadies


Ajitha M

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St.Jerome’s College of Arts and Science Anandhanadarkudy, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.


Handloom is an important cottage industry of our country and it is an important key for cultural heritage of Tamilnadu. It is the pioneer state in India in the field of textile industry including handloom sector, power loom sector and mill sector. Tamil Nadu is the 4th largest industry in the country. The state has identified twenty two locations to establish handloom clusters with financial assistance from the centre. There are about 2388 co-operative societies; out of which only about 1393 are in working condition. Out of 1393 cooperative societies, 1125 are cotton primary weavers cooperative societies, 170 are industrial weavers’ cooperative societies and 98are primary silk weavers’ cooperative societies. In Tamil Nadu, there are more than 3 lakh families involving in handloom weaving. In comparison with other traditional rural sectors, handloom weaving is a full-time family profession, involving all the members of the family. The handloom industry plays an important role in the development socio-economic conditions of women in the study area and the important objectives of this study is to know about the various schemes for handloom industries and to analyse the problems faced by women handloom weavers in Nagercoil.


handloom industry, development schemes, kanyakumari district.

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