December 31, 2023
December 31, 2023


*Md. Ammar, & **Himanshu Kumar Pandey

*Research Scholar, (Department of Commerce), Multanimal Modi College, Modinagar, CCSU, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.

**Research guide and Assistant Professor (Department of Commerce), Multanimal Modi College CCSU, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Banking plays a crucial role in the growth and development of developing nations such as India. It serves as a lubricant for the entire monetary and financial system, ensuring smooth operations. A significant portion, approximately 70%, of the Indian population resides in rural areas. In order to foster the development of the Indian economy, it is imperative to focus on the progress of these rural regions. In order to fulfil the objectives a thorough investigation is done to find and report the literature available in the above said context. The review is been conducted for the latest literature available on the various databases pertaining to academic research. The review has been undertaken in heads namely first on the rural banks in India secondly rural development and finally rural banks and rural development. It was concluded that The success of rural finance is primarily contingent upon the financial strength and capability. RRBs are the most crucial financial institutions at the rural level, assuming the responsibility of meeting the credit requirements of rural areas.


rural banking, rural development, regional rural banks.



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To cite this article

Md. Ammar, & Himanshu Kumar Pandey. (2023). Regional Rural Banks and Rural Development: A Review of Literature Review. John Foundation Journal of EduSpark, 5(4), 43-62.

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