September 30, 2021


Vani Maheswari, D.

Assistant Professor in Mathematics, St.Justin’s College of Education, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.


In modern era digital devices are the part and parcel of everyday life. Easy access to internet across the globe has totally changed the pattern of life. Web has become the main source of acquiring knowledge and information. Email is replacing the postal mail system. Use of computer is a mandatory from primary education sector to government level enterprise. Facebook, twitter, Whatsapp, viber are becoming main way to social communication. All these developments made life of people easier and comfortable but at the same time crimes associated with technologies have also emerged. Cybercrime has become a vital issue. In this study, Investigator used survey method to collect the data from the students. Both online and offline version of the survey were created to conduct this study. The study finds that there is a patchy awareness level and it is not satisfactory. The general people are unaware of standard practices for cyber security. The government and respective organizations are not vibrant regarding cybercrime-related issues. A proper guideline is required. Also, it needs to be updated on timely manner. In this study Mean, Standard deviation, and t-test are used to analyzed the data.


cyber safety, awareness, high school students.



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To cite this article

Vani Maheswari, D., (2021). Awareness on Cyber Safety among High School Students.  John Foundation Journal of EduSpark, 3(3), 44-51.

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