December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020


Brahma Kumar Yudhisthir

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Madhav University, Rajasthan, India.


Language, be it mother tongue or any other language, is the medium of expression of one’s own inner, hidden and unuttered feelings, emotions, thoughts, likes and dislikes, interests, opinions, views, predilections, etc. Language education is quite neglected in India because let alone students at different levels, even teachers are not quite articulate, eloquent, and also conscious for developing the much-needed spirit for language teaching-learning due to grave inadequacies in faculty and infrastructure facilities in schools and training institutions. However, properly cultivated language education can serve as the finer integrating link for inclusive education, thereby eliminating the linguistic, inter-communicative, and interpersonal hurdles on the path of the latter. Inner thoughts become creative, ameliorative, and curative through transmissions of thought vibrations and waves on the part of those who develop linguistic abilities that enable the learner(s) and teacher(s) to be perceptive, inclusive, and receptive and inspiring them to accept the “otherness of the others” in a sacred thread of interpenetrating, integrating and proactive social bond in home, school, and work atmospheres.


language education, teaching-learning, inner thoughts, creative, ameliorative and curative, transmissions of thought vibrations and waves; linguistic abilities; interpenetrating, integrating and proactive social bond; inclusive education; home, school and work atmosphere.


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To cite this article

Brahma Kumar Yudhisthir. (2020). Language Education: The Finer Integrating Link for Inclusive Education. John Foundation Journal of EduSpark, 2(4), 53-69.

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