September 30, 2019


Ikanshi Khanna

Assistant Professor, Centre for Early Childhood Development & Research, Jamia Millia Islamia.  Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi, India.


Children living under marginalized conditions are present in most of the communities across the world. Therefore, understanding marginalization as a concept is challenging, because there is seldom an agreed definition of the term within any one country, let alone across countries. Children and their families who are confined to the peripheral edge of the society are considered to be marginalized in general. Marginalization for these children in their early learning phase is a form of relentless disadvantage rooted in underlying social inequalities. Marginalization is one of the major factors contributing to low learning achievements among children. It is however, important to understand this statement more clearly by addressing a few significant questions like who are marginalized children? What are the factors contributing to their exclusion and lack of early learning opportunities? How innovative courses in child development at higher education can contribute to better educational outcomes?  Unpacking these queries may unravel a few threads behind marginalization in early learning among children.


marginalization, child development, early learning, educational outcomes, higher education, ECCE, SDGs.


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To cite this article

Ikanshi Khanna. (2019). Marginalization- An Apology for Low Learning Outcomes among Children. John Foundation Journal of EduSpark, 1(3), 1-14.

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