Sparkling_v5i2_April-June 2022
June 30, 2022
EduSpark_v4i3_July-September 2022
September 30, 2022
Sparkling_v5i2_April-June 2022
June 30, 2022
EduSpark_v4i3_July-September 2022
September 30, 2022

John Foundation Journal of EduSpark

(A Quarterly Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal)

Volume 4 Issue 2 April - June 2022


*Meenakshi Chaturvedi, **Meenakshi Kaushik, & ***Ravindra Kumar

*Professor, Trinity Institute of Innovations in Professional Studies (affiliated by Indraprastha College), Greater Noida, Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

*Dean (Research), Trinity Institute of Innovations in Professional Studies (affiliated by Indraprastha College), Greater Noida, Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

**Director, Trinity Institute of Innovations in Professional Studies, Studies (affiliated by Indraprastha College), Greater Noida, Uttar Pardesh, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Wireless technologies in the last decade or so have attracted unprecedented attention from wireless service providers, developers, vendors, and users. The breathtaking evolution of wireless technologies, services and business applications has resulted in a wide-scale deployment and usage of wireless and mobile networks. The paper discusses mobile and wireless networks in terms of services, technical evolution, and related issues. Industries such as transportation and logistics, financial services, health services, and many others should be able to improve their performance by implementing wireless mobile technologies.


mobile wireless networks,  mobile services,  wireless LANs,  wireless standards,  future technologies.


Adhila Abdul Hameed

Guest Lecturer, Sullamussalam Arabic College, Areekode, Kerala, affiliated to University of Calicut University, Kerala, India. 


At present, when Agha Shahid Ali is read widely in the academia, to re-read it in the present scenario and to give meanings to the texts from different angle is necessary. The paper aims to analyze the frequent references of death and lament in his poems. Ali, through his poetry, seeks to bear witness to the tragedy, and through the metaphor of letters and post office, he tries to narrate the tragedy to the world. The paper outlines the concept of “death” in Agha Shahid Ali’s poetry highlighting instances of death, including death of his mother, poets, Kashmiris and of himself, which he predicts in one of the poems. This paper emphasizes the idea of death, conceptualized by Jacques   Derrida as an analytical tool to understand the death as idea the trope of Agha Shahid Ali and the concept of minor literature proposed by Giles Deleuze to delineate the from the image of “popular”. Furthermore discuss the strong philosophical influence of Shia Mystical Tradition in the continuous imagination of “becoming”. The paper underlines the interchange of paradise to hell in his works and on the concept of “home”. Accordingly, the paper throws light on the poet’s lament on the barbarism and violence perpetuated against the people at the time of war, and the brutality of war affecting even the communication, like receiving the mail or listening to the radio.


death and lament, agha shahid ali’s poetry, philosophical influence.


*Shahna. K., A. & **Jyothirmani Vatakkayil

*Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of History, Pocker Sahib Memorial Orphanage College, Tirurangadi Malappuram, Kerala, India.

**Assistant Professor & Head, Department of History, Sri Vyasa N S S College, Wadakkanchery, Thrissur, Kerala, India.


Marginalized communities’ suppressed past is just as essential as their beliefs and rituals. Wherever a group feels excluded, it may create a ritual structure that is distinct from the way of thinking in that community. In various faiths, members of the upper caste have claimed that the outcaste shouldn’t witness and participated in their rites. Mukkuvar is a maritime ethnic group found in the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu They are mostly found on the Malabar Coast, South Travancore Coast, and Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu, and have traditionally been involved in fishing, shipment, navy, and trade (J. S. Grewal, 2005).  We can comprehend the marginalization imposed on these people by society if we look at their history in Kerala or conduct a case study of the current circumstances.


marginalisation, mukkuva, pandal kizhikkal, puli kudi, chera dynasty.


*Anish, V. & **Johnslin Sujitha, G.

* Student, St. Jerome’s College (Arts and science), Anandhanadarkudy, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.

**Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Jerome’s College (Arts and science), Anandhanadarkudy, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.                     


Cashew as a marketable commodity, has a very important role to play in the liberalized Indian economy. From the farmers’ as well as from the exporters’ point of view, the current emphasis that cashew is receiving as a horticultural crop from the research and development front, is a welcome sign. At present, India has a processing capacity of nearly seven hundred thousand metric tons and to meet the raw nut demand, the country depends partially on imports from several African, and in recent years, from south-east Asian countries. This has considerable drain on the country’s foreign exchange reserves and there is an urgent need to increase local production to substitute imported raw material in order to derive the maximum benefits from a strong processing and marketing capability developed over the years by the Indian cashew industry. The present study explains about features of cashew industries its advantages and disadvantages. The objectives of the study, are to analyze the problems faced by the cashew industrialists in Kanyakumari district and to provide findings. The study covered both primary and secondary data. For the present study 25 cashew industrialists are selected. The samples are selected using convenient sampling method. The percentage and Garrett ranking method are used to analyze the data.


cashew industry, features, processing stages, advantages, dis advantages, problems.


Paneerselvan, A.

Research scholar, Department of Commerce, Scott Christian College (Autonomous) Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India.


The vegetable marketing in Kanyakumari District is normally same as that of the other districts of Tamil Nadu and other states of the country. The nature of the market participants and market operation is heterogeneous. The vegetable markets of Kanyakumari District are largely unorganized and are dominated by the illiterate and small farmers. The vegetable marketing in Kanyakumari District has historical importance but the regulations of these markets were of recent practice. The youngest vegetable wholesale markets of Kanyakumari District aged 20 years and the oldest regulated vegetable wholesale markets aged 45 years. The vegetable marketing system is in dire need of attention for development of infrastructure, expansion of market network and channels to help in delivering the benefits of marketing opportunities. The primary (Rural) vegetable markets of Kanyakumari District are dominated by the unauthorized commission agents and only unauthorized middlemen or agents of outside districts operate as the buyers. The important objective of this paper is to analyze the customer satisfaction towards vegetables market in Kanyakumari District. The study is confined with both primary and secondary data. In order to study the to analyze the customer satisfaction towards vegetable markets in Kanyakumari District 300 vegetable market customers are selected as samples using convenient sampling method. The collected data were analyzed with the help of essential statistical measures such as Percentage, Garrett ranking technique, Regression analysis and ANOVA test.


vegetables, market, customers and customer satisfaction

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