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March 31, 2021
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June 30, 2021

John Foundation Journal of EduSpark

(A Quarterly Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal)

Volume 2 Issue 4 October - December 2020


Muhammad Nawaz

Faculty of Member, Department of English, Riphah International University Faisalabad Campus, Main Satyana Road, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.


This study involves the process of schizoanalysis, the production of desire, and desiring machine in the play of Eugene O’Neill, Strange Interlude. Emancipation of desire from the shackles of society and capitalism is shown in it. The rhizomatic study of desire, love, and past memories is also the focus of this study with special reference to the rhizome theory of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.


schizoanalysis, desire, desiring machine, rhizomatic, rhizome theory, past memories


Melina Papa

Writer, Foreign Language Teacher and Translator, Agios Nikolaos, Agrinio, Greece.


The Sanazar family, lived in a beautiful city of Syria, in Aleppo. Mohamad runs a department store. A young student, named Sibel, fell in love with him. Soon, they will get married and will create their enviable four member family. The Arabic Spring of 2011 will leave its dark marks everywhere, by turning everything upside-down. Mohamad passed away, leaving at the Mercy of God, his wife and the twins, Massa and Omar.  At that hard moment of her life, Sibel was invited to discover her hidden, human power, to stand by her twins’ side, like a rock.  They settled in Turkey, dreaming for a better life. No matter the obstacles she met, having like a strong weapon her optimism and her longing for a brighter life, she will achieve her aims. Hugging her hidden human power, Sibel will be a model and inspire her kids, Massa (whose name means Marjoram) and Omar (whose name means Life). Massa’s dream to become the best psychologist will come true. On the other hand, Omar will turn out to be a well-known lawyer, fighting for a fair society, where will prevail Equality and Justice, for all walks of Life.


hidden human power, heart charmer, longing for life, sane society, hope.


*Gomathi, M., &  **Esther, D.

*Research Scholar, Reg No: 17223281052016, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil,  Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,  Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.

**Associate Professor, Department of History, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.


Famine is an interrelated outcome of various socio-economic conditions.  Famine distress not only happens in the modern period. It occurred in the ancient and medieval periods also.  During the ancient period limited records available.  There were several factors caused by famines such as physical, economic, social, agricultural, etc.  Food is need for all lives.  During the natural disaster, the people were suffered severely.  Famine is a lack of food over a large area. Food supply primarily depends on agricultural output. Inadequate community resources, deficiencies in the agricultural sector, and imbalances in social fabric had molded natural disasters into famine like situations. Human relationship and their mutual behavior suffered due to the hardships of famines. It is the ultimate outcome of various socio-economic maladies.  The early Aryans were mobile warrior tribes, who could get rid of the situations of scarcity by moving out of the depleted region. The Mauruyan period witnessed quite a number of famines. Jain traditions vary about the details of this well-preserved story of famine during the time of Chandragupta.  The bearing capacity of ancient Indian society had many weaknesses and therefore the occurrences of famines were also reported periodically in every epoch of history.


famine, agricultural, economic


Pallabi Mukherjee

Assistant Professor (Guest), Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda, Bargaon, Bihar, India


There is a huge misconception prevalent in the globalized society that Parapsychology and Reiki both is not the realm of science but of religion. This is perhaps because the western definition of the ‘mind’ is limited only to what may be called ‘normal consciousness’, the sub-consciousness and the unconscious dimensions. In the East, however, particularly in India for many centuries we are quite aware and known in the study of mind through practices, which has remarkable dimensions far beyond and above what may be called the normal experience of practice. The traditional forms of Yogā, Pataňjali’s Yogā śāstra, various forms of meditation and yogic practices clearly describes the paranormal faculties that can be developed as a result of following the practical practices of the various discipline of the meditation. These include telepathy, telekinesis, hearing at a great distance, and other such faculties that may appear supernatural but are, in fact, a result of continuous rigorous training of the mind so that it transcends the normal barriers. The study of parapsychology, therefore, is as much a subject of rigorous scientific exploration as is classical psychology. It has a very close link between Reiki as well as Buddhist psychological study. The name Reiki was given by Dr. Mikao Usui who lived in Japan during the nineteenth century. It is a meditative path to personal and spiritual growth. Life Force Energy is the foundation of all lives, a sort of subtle cosmic plane that supports, nourishes, and sustains the cycle of birth, life, and death of all living things. Through prayer, meditation or Reiki practice, practitioners may feel less separate and increasingly whole within self and within the whole of creation. Reiki gives a sense of unity, and become more aware of the role or place in the great scheme of things and at the same time feel supported, safe, open, and confident in own abilities to be all that is without doubt or apology. It can be explained that the spiritual journey experiences the Essence of Reiki as opposed to the Form that are the actual physical and mental methods for using and sharing Reiki, Mahāyāna Buddhist practice. In the study of Buddhist Philosophy, the Mind plays a very important role in the as according to Gautama, the Buddha all our actions are performed by Mind. To explain the complicated nature of Mind endeavour will be to unfold step by step the different factors of Mind. Mind indeed has close relations to ethics in so far as actions are concerned. Hence, psychology and ethics are closely related to each other in Buddhism. Therefore, parapsychology and Buddhist psychological meditation practice, i.e. Reiki conjointly provides valuable guidelines for pursuing what is surely the most exciting adventure in science today, the study of consciousness itself. In the life of today’s world, despite its tremendous scientific and technological achievements, still not been able to tackle the most exciting and enigmatic of all phenomena on the planet- the human mind. UNESCO has famous opening lines that point out that wars began, and not only wars between nations through weapons or chemicals, also biological war in the mode of Pandemic, civil strife, violence, crime, growing stress, the tension in the minds of men. It is, therefore, necessary to mankind to start turning the searchlight inwards to see what it is that moves our thoughts and actions, and whether we can transcend our inner consciousness to dive towards a more holistic and integrated view of life in a scientific as well as spiritual mode without any biases. These are the objectives and also the needs of this study.


parapsychology, reiki, consciousness, practice of mind.


Brahma Kumar Yudhisthir

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Madhav University, Rajasthan, India.


Language, be it mother tongue or any other language, is the medium of expression of one’s own inner, hidden and unuttered feelings, emotions, thoughts, likes and dislikes, interests, opinions, views, predilections, etc. Language education is quite neglected in India because let alone students at different levels, even teachers are not quite articulate, eloquent, and also conscious for developing the much-needed spirit for language teaching-learning due to grave inadequacies in faculty and infrastructure facilities in schools and training institutions. However, properly cultivated language education can serve as the finer integrating link for inclusive education, thereby eliminating the linguistic, inter-communicative, and interpersonal hurdles on the path of the latter. Inner thoughts become creative, ameliorative, and curative through transmissions of thought vibrations and waves on the part of those who develop linguistic abilities that enable the learner(s) and teacher(s) to be perceptive, inclusive, and receptive and inspiring them to accept the “otherness of the others” in a sacred thread of interpenetrating, integrating and proactive social bond in home, school, and work atmospheres.


language education, teaching-learning, inner thoughts, creative, ameliorative and curative, transmissions of thought vibrations and waves; linguistic abilities; interpenetrating, integrating and proactive social bond; inclusive education; home, school and  work atmosphere.

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