Sparkling_v2i2_April-June 2019
June 30, 2019
EduSpark_v1i3_July-September 2019
September 30, 2019
Sparkling_v2i2_April-June 2019
June 30, 2019
EduSpark_v1i3_July-September 2019
September 30, 2019

John Foundation Journal of EduSpark

(A Quarterly Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal)

Volume 1 Issue 2 April - June 2019


Reeta Dwivedi

Assistant Professor, MIER College of Education, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India.


No study of Jane Austen can be complete without dwelling on the way the novelist focusses attention on the social life of the times, particularly the social relationships and changing patterns in the lives of the middle class families, largely based in rural countryside. Living as she was in a crucial period of European and British history, Jane Austen could not help but notice the changes that were taking place in the lives of the families around her. This small area was for her a microcosm of the state of society of the times. Changes in the domestic life of the people also find a place in her novels, but the change was primarily in the middle class families. The most potent agent of this change was marriage. Women being dependent on their father before marriage and on their husbands after it, marriage was the most important event in the life of women to make or mar their future. The choice of a wealthy life-partner was therefore necessary for their social security. In her novels, Jane Austen reveals that she had a high esteem for marriage, which she regarded as a vehicle for the overall wellbeing of society and mankind. Marriage was one way in which middle class people could aspire to improve their conditions and achieve genteelism or respectability, as the term came to be known during Victorian times. The paper takes up the socio-economic scenario in Jane Austen’s novels. Interestingly, the industrial revolution and the nineteenth century capitalism had not impinged on it. With menfolk hardly any professions available to the menfolk, most of them opted for either the navy or the army being regarded as unobjectionable.


revolution, countryside, microcosm, socio-economic scenario, unobjectionable.


Yashika Goyal

M.Ed Researcher and Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya Paradip Port, Paradip, Odisha, India.


When children come to school, they come up with ideas and interpretations relating and concerning with phenomenon which are taught in school. These interpretations and ideas exist without having any formal instructions at school (Driver; Guesne; & Tiberghien, 1985). These conceptions cannot be wrong or misconceptions because they are part of cultural knowledge. Considering that knowledge as incorrect may stigmatize or marginalize that particular culture. Hence, these conceptions could be called alternative conceptions (Russell, 1993). This study would explore the shades of culture, local language terminologies and imagination in conceptions of children. This study would explore children’s conceptions about phenomenon associated with understanding of earth, sun, moon, day and night. The researcher has conducted “Focus Group Discussions” with school going children using different kind of pictures, videos and dialogues with them. The collected data was analyzed in the light of existing theories related to learning of new concepts by children. The findings of the study shows that children’s conceptions have cultural and social roots.


alternative concepts, social knowledge, concept formation, imagination.


Devarshi Modi

M.Phil Research Scholar, Gujarat University. Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.


The present paper deals with the spiritual journey of Siddhartha in search of the meaning of life. The work chosen for this study is Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha. In the novel Hermann Hesse has tried to portray protagonist’s quest for self-discovery and spirituality, existential elements are quite remarkable. For instance, seeking spiritual wisdom through practical experience, exercise of free-will to bring meanings to his life, sublime faith in concrete existence, thorough deviation from the teachings of conventional religion and strong sense of individuality are relevant factors in Siddhartha’s life which give an existential look for his life. Influence of Buddhist philosophy on Herman Hesse and elements of autobiography in Siddhartha reflects the spiritual knowledge of one self and this physical world. The novel demonstrates Hesse’s engrossment with India at a time of personal crisis and his search for complete freedom which he could not find in his Occidental sensibilities, which he found too intellectual and far from reality. Hesse’s final conclusion on religion and his idea of enlightenment are splendidly engulfed in this masterpiece which is widely read all over the world. The novel in many ways is autobiographical and analyses the inner struggle of a man brought up in a comfortable house but takes up individualistic path to find redemption. There is an interminable flow of life which enters and exists at its primary time. Siddhartha’s Journey in search of life represents the question of human existence. Throughout his journey, he met with the lot of illusion which we encounter in our daily life. This paper, through Hermann Hesse’s tremendous novel Siddhartha, tries to scrutinize the essential existence of human being, the reason of this absurd show, ultimate goal of the journey and the path through which Nirvana can be attained. Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha presents a journey of soul to attain the ultimate truth of universe.


philosophy, self-realization, consciousness, salvation, ultimate truth.


Sumodan P. K.

Associate Professor, Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Government College, Madappally, Vadakara, Kerala, India.


Kerala is home to six mosquito-borne diseases, viz., Lymphatic filariasis, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue, Chikungunya and West Nile Virus. Since, 1934 several vector incrimination studies have been done in different species of mosquitoes. Filarial parasites were detected from as many as 16 mosquito species, the important ones being Culex quinquefasciatus, Mansonia annularia and Mansonia uniformis. Malaria parasites were detected from Anopheles culicifacies, An. fluviatilis, An. jeyporiensis and An. varuna. Japanese Encephalitis virus was detected from Culex tritaeniorhynchus, Cx. gelidus, Mansonia uniformis, Ma. indiana, Ma.annulifera and Anopheles subpictus. Both dengue and chikungunya viruses were detected from Aedes albopictus. West Nile Virus has not been detected from any mosquito species so far.


mosquito, vector, incrimination, lymphatic filariasis, dengue, chikungunya, virus.


Johnslin Sujitha G

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St.Jerome’s College of Arts and Science, Anandhanadarkudy, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.


Pepper is the most important spice known as the “King of spices”, because it has good export value, it has earned the name “black gold of Indian” pepper is variously called Kalimirch, Gol Mrich (Hindi), Milagu (Tamil) Miriyalu (Telegu). The spice value of pepper is mainly due to the presence 4% to 5% of a group of alkaloids, piperine and related compounds. In India there are various spices among them pepper is the most common and useful spice in the day to day life. India has 50 percent of the total cultivating area of pepper crop in the world. But the production is only 25 percent of the total world production. The production is influenced by various factors. Pepper is the most important and the earliest known spice crop of India. In Latin pepper is called pipper. It contributes 5 to l0 percent of the gross value of the spices produced in the country. Pepper is an intercrop pepper has high foreign exchange capacity. Black pepper is in the Malabar coast of Kerala. More than 90 of the pepper were sold as black pepper. When skin of the pepper removed it is called white pepper. India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Srilanka, Vietnam, China and Mexico are the countries which cultivate pepper. The important objectives of the study are to know about the history and types of pepper, and to analyze the production and marketing problems of pepper in Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu.


pepper, history, production, production and marketing problem, foreign.

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