About Us

Trailblazer for the society

We provide all aspects of academic seeds under the roof of a single banyan tree. We have committed ourselves to become a trailblazer for the society in the form of Academic Resource Centre. We believe in the best and lead the society into the best by means of publishing articles, research papers besides organising seminars, conferences, workshops, etc.


  • Be resourceful : Believe Thyself
  • To attain the highest goal in terms of academic aspects.
  • To sprout the generation with the seeds of higher intellectual perspective.
  • To pursue excellence in our goal so as to inculcate the vision “believe thyself”.


  • To provide an equal platform to resourceful and creative scholars.
  • To motivate the research scholars with mutual, friendly bond.
  • To equip the research scholars to practise originality and innovation.
  • To pursue excellence in our goal so as to inculcate the vision “believe thyself”.


  • We are committed to serve for society in order to achieve maximum impact and enable academic success.
  • We acknowledge the inequalities inherent in our world and to create a literacy experience for our students.
  • We are building a thriving community wide movement that create a new literacy landscape.
  • To encourage the artists, writers and authors of various creative works.
  • To encourage the writers through awards.
  • To encourage people to become an enriched and enhanced human resource at home and society.
  • To make awareness against alcohol, drugs and so on.
  • To develop awareness about primary health care by administering free medical examinations.
  • Tie-up with colleges or universities for conducting seminars, conferences, workshop, symposium, and refresher courses all over India.
  • To help students continue their studies by providing scholarships, grants and educational materials.
  • To carry out career guidance and counseling for youth in order to create awerness about the best career they could pursue in their life.
  • To make scientific awareness among the society.